Articles on use of PhotoVoice in different settings

aboriginal women and breast cancer

academic and socio cultural in Belgium

active living for rural children

adolescent civic engagement 2

adolescent civic engagement

aid weight loss

antituburculosis treatment

blending photography as a method of self reflection

breast and cervical cancer health promotion done

cardiovascular awareness

childhood obesity prevention public health

childhood obesity

children in Uganda orphaned and living with HIV

chronic pain in older adults done

combining focus groups and photovoice

community based indigenous research

community based participatory research

community environmnet shapes physical activity


dementia and photovoice

Diarrhial in Dar Salam community assesment


disability advocacy

domestic workers in salvador

engaging young people who are homeless

enhancing critical dialogue intercultural

enviornmental approaches to tobacco control

evaluation of a systematic community action partnership

evaluation tool in community health initiative

facilitating deliberation Health Promot Pract-2009-Downey-419-27

facilitators and barriers to youth for physcial activity

family and maternal health through use of photovoice

focus groups and community assessment

food security done

foster carers

giving voice to underserved populations

grandparents raising grandchildren

health and cancer decision making

Health Educ Behav-1997-Wang-369-87

health promotion and strengthening relationships

health literacy

HIV children in Uganda

HIV in American Indian

hiv prevention in men

homeless in toronto done

homeless women making the invisible visible in Aukland

individuals practicce

influence of immigration done

international students and food

latino youth double standard ideologies

life perspecitve in sickle cell youth

lone mothers and their health

mens perception of racism

mental illness 2

mental illness

overweight adolescents in NYC done

pedegological tool in education

photovoice use around water issues Kenya

picturing mothers study of body image

policy implementing principal

poor women with HIV done

preparedness for teaching

professional values and health policy

psychiactric nursing

Reducing childhood injuries

reflexivity as enactment of critical community psychologies

return to work survivor of cancer

review of photovoice method for occupational thearpy research

rural guatamala done

rural Nursing photovoice

self care factors around heart faiure

serious illness in women

sex workers Qualitative Social Work-2014-Desyllas-477-501

social determinants and community action

social determinants and inequity

spinal cord injury done

student advocacy done

systematic review of literature about photovoice

teaching and learning strategy for undergraduate students

tenants with special needs

transexual experineces done

Unspoken phenomena

use with older adults

violence through the eyes of youth

vulnerable populations with disabilities done

Wang womens health

water research

womens empowerment

youth and strategy for community change

youth city of saddness done

youth counseling

Youth Society-2014-Johansen-548-65

youth substance abuse done

Youth violence done